An error has occurred. (^0) Open permission for file denied. (^0) Unable to remove a resource. (^0) Unable to add a resource. (^0) Resource file not found. (^0) Resource not found. (^0) The server volume has been disconnected. (^0) Wrong volume type error. (^0) An error occurred while changing directories. (^0) No free WDCB available. (^0) Directory not found. (^0) Error-Memory full. (^0) Cannot write to that file. (^0) Disk error-bad master directory block. This disk is unusable. (^0) That volume belongs to an external file system. (^0) That drive doesn't exist. (^0) That volume is already on-line. (^0) That volume has been ejected. (^0) That file already open with write permission. (^0) Cannot rename-name already exists. (^0) This file is busy-it cannot be deleted. (^0) This volume is locked. (^0) This file is locked. (^0) Diskette is write protected. (^0) File not found. (^0) Too many files open-try closing one. (^0) Memory full. (^0) End of file. (^0) File not open. (^0) Bad file name or volume name. (^0) I/O error. (^0) No such volume. (^0) Disk full error. (^0) Directory full error. (^0)